Los Alamos National Laboratory love

Los Alamos National Laboratory


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  • The "Isotopes" name is appropriate, since New Mexico has a number of well-known scientific / military facilities dealing with nuclear technology, such as Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP), as well as hosting the Trinity test.

    Purple Row 2009

  • Bette Korber, an expert on HIV mutation at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said the study added "an elegant analytical strategy" to HIV vaccine research.

    New Math in HIV Fight Mark Schoofs 2011

  • LANL, of course, is the Los Alamos National Laboratory, one of the United States' two nuclear weapons-design laboratories.

    Russ Wellen: New Nuclear Project Distracts From Existing Safety (Read: Seismic) Issues Russ Wellen 2011

  • So did Los Alamos National Laboratory's Roger Wiens, a planetary scientist in charge of Curiosity's laser blaster, called ChemCam.

    NASA Mars Curiosity Launch: Huge Rover On Its Way To Mars 2011

  • In fact, about the time the Russian defector was turning over the firing block design in Vienna, scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico were at work on another secret project; this one was designed to insert sabotaged equipment into the nuclear programs of Iran and Libya.

    Fallout Catherine Collins 2011

  • In fact, about the time the Russian defector was turning over the firing block design in Vienna, scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico were at work on another secret project; this one was designed to insert sabotaged equipment into the nuclear programs of Iran and Libya.

    Fallout Catherine Collins 2011

  • All of the pumps bearing those serial numbers had been bought by the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and shipped there in April 2000.

    Fallout Catherine Collins 2011

  • All of the pumps bearing those serial numbers had been bought by the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and shipped there in April 2000.

    Fallout Catherine Collins 2011

  • Even stranger, the IAEA inspectors noticed that the pump bore a sticker from Los Alamos National Laboratory, the place where the Americans built the first atomic bombs.

    Fallout Catherine Collins 2011

  • Even stranger, the IAEA inspectors noticed that the pump bore a sticker from Los Alamos National Laboratory, the place where the Americans built the first atomic bombs.

    Fallout Catherine Collins 2011


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